Information for Medical Students Seeking Elective Rotations at Drexel University College of Medicine

If you wish to apply for a rotation that begins prior to May 2021, please email for instructions.  No phone calls please - Email only

Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM) uses the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program for processing visiting student applications (see link:

Academic year 2021-22:  DUCOM will adhere to the AAMC Coalition for Physician Accountability updated recommendations.  Applications will be accepted beginning April 15, 2021 for rotations that begin on or after August 2, 2021.  Do not anticipate offer notification prior to June 1 for August rotations.  For academic year 2021-22, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children is requiring medical students to have COVID-19 vaccine prior to rotating unless documented as medically contraindicated.

Inquires to Drexel University College of Medicine should be addressed using the   
e-mail address: . For tracking purposes, when e-mailing please enter the following in the subject line: “Visiting Student” and then your full name

All courses currently offered through DUCOM are listed on-line via the 2021-2022 Senior Course Catalog

Policies for Visiting Students:

Visiting Students should familiarize themselves with the Drexel University College of Medicine Visiting Student Handbook prior to arrival and may access the Handbook at any time. 
Some visiting students may wish to schedule an elective rotation at one of our affiliated educational institutions. (You may see them in the electives catalogue but will not see them in VSLO).   Drexel University College of Medicine can only schedule visiting students for rotations that are listed in VSLO.  If you wish to schedule a rotation at one of our affiliated educational institutions, please contact them directly.   

For the 2021-2022 Academic Year, 4th year courses have the beginning start dates: Link to Block Start dates for 2021-2022.

Applications will be NOT be accepted until April 15, 2021. Visiting student applications are processed once considered fully completed on a first received-first filled basis.
No notifications will be made until after June 1st.   All arrangements should be completed six-weeks prior to the start of the rotation.
Thank you for your interest in scheduling an elective rotation at Drexel University College of Medicine or one of our academic affiliated hospitals.  

Revised 12/01/2021