Foundations and Frontiers
How to access your year 1 and 2 courses

After 2 years all Blackboard Learn courses in a Semester Term are archived and are no longer available. In order to provide you with the course content from these early courses throughout 4 years, we have made copies of the courses which you will find in a section of Blackboard Learn called the "Administrative Term". You can navigate to the Administrative Term in Blackboard yourself or use the links provided below which go directly to the correct Blackboard Learn course. All students who were originally registered in the course will remain in the course. If you receive an error and cannot access a course, please contact TIME@drexel.edu with the course name, your name, Drexel UserID and graduation year.

Class of 2022 Year 1 Blackboard Courses
(These courses are located in the Administrative Term)

Class of 2022 Year 2 Blackboard Courses
(These courses are located in the Administrative Term)