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Training modules for today's health care professionals.
Developed by today's leading health care educators.
An online resource for teaching, learning and assessing communication and relationship-centered skills in health care education (formerly DocCom).
Evidence-based curriculum
44 Modules used in medical education, residencies, libraries, and for remediation, plus faculty resources
Over 700 unscripted, realistic videos
Instructor-led or self-paced
Multiple subscription levels
Custom learning management system with scheduled assignments, assessment dashboard, learning groups
An online resource for teaching, learning and assessing IPE in health care education.
Evidence-based curriculum
13 modules used in medical education and residency programs
2 faculty development and remediation modules
Over 190 unscripted videos demonstrate the importance of professionalism in professional and personal growth
Instructor-led or self-paced
Multiple subscription levels
Custom learning management system with scheduled assignments, assessment dashboard, learning groups
Antiracism in Healthcare
Clinical Asmt. of Substance Use Disorders
Medication-Assisted Treatment for OUD
Non-Pharm Approaches to Chronic Pain
Personal Growth
Sharing Serious News
Effective Clinical Teaching