Using DxR

Browser Requirements

Javascript, and Pop-Ups MUST be enabled. Your browser must also have QuickTime (version 7 or newer) plug-in installed. The following browsers are compatible with this program. Using a browser and/or browser version other than one of the following may cause browser crashes and other unpredictable results when using this program.

Windows Macintosh
Microsoft Internet Explorer
version 6 or higher
Microsoft Internet Explorer
version 5 or higher
version 2 or higher

version 2 or higher

If you have installed Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Windows XP, a pop-up blocker is installed by default which will prevent normal operation of the DxR program. To be able to use DxR you must allow pop-ups from the DrexelMed web site. Follow these steps:

    1. Click on "Tools" on the menu bar in Internet Explorer
    2. Click on "Pop-up Blocker" and then "Pop-up Blocker Settings..."
    3. Under "Address of Web site to allow:", enter "*" (without the quotation marks), and click "Add"
    4. Click "Close"
In addition, the Google toolbar and Yahoo toolbar also contains a pop-up blocker and must be set to allow pop-up from

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Screen Size and Monitor Resolution

DxR Clinician requires a minimum monitor resolution of 800 x 600 pixels. If your monitor is not set for 800 x 600 pixels or higher resolution, portions of your screen may be cut off, and a warning message will appear when you try to log in to the case.

Your monitor must also be set display at least 16 bit color (thousands of colors). If your monitor is not set to display 16 bit or higher color, images and movies may appear distorted, chunky, or washed out on your screen.

Setting Color Depth and Resolution on Windows

  1. Locate the Start Menu icon in the menu bar across the bottom of your screen.
  2. Click on the Start Menu icon and mouse up to Settings.
  3. Open the Control Panel menu item. A Control Panel window should appear on your screen
    Locate the Display icon. Double click to open it. A Display Properties window should appear on your screen.
  4. In the Display Properties window, locate and click on the Settings tab. The Display Properties window should now contain an image of a small monitor.
  5. Locate the Colors box in the bottom of the Display Properties window. Make sure that High Color (16 bit) or True Color (32 bit) is selected.
  6. Locate the Screen area box to the right of the Colors box.
  7. Drag the slider until 800 x 600 pixels (or higher) is selected.
  8. If your settings were already correct, and you did not make any changes to them, click OK to close the window. If you did change some or all of your settings, click the Apply button.
  9. Click OK in the dialog box that appears next regarding changing your display settings.
  10. Click Yes in the dialog box that appears regarding keeping your new display settings. Please note that this is a timed box. If you do not respond within a few seconds of its appearance, it will revert your settings to their original state.
  11. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Display Properties window to close the window. You can also close the Control Panel window.

Setting Color Depth and Resolution on Macintosh

  1. Locate the Apple Menu icon in the menu bar across the top of your screen.
  2. Click on the Apple Menu icon and pull down to Control Panels.
  3. Open the Monitors and Sound control panel. On some Macs, the Monitors and Sound control panel may be split into two separate control panels (a Monitors control panel and a Sound control panel). In this case, open the Monitors control panel.
  4. Click on the Monitor button.
  5. Locate the box labeled Color Depth. Make sure that the radio button for Colors is selected and that in the list to the right of that button, either Thousands or Millions is selected (the higher the better).
  6. Locate the box labeled Resolution. In the corresponding list, make sure that 800 x 600 (or higher) is selected.
  7. Close the control panel.

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View Movies and Sounds with QuickTime 7.0 or newer

Click here to test whether you have Quicktime installed on your computer and it is properly configured to play DxR audio and video files.

The web version of DxR Clinician makes extensive use of QuickTime, and its browser plug-in. If you don't already have QuickTime installed, versions for both Windows and Macintosh are available to download for free from Apple Computer's QuickTime site: Make certain to select the Full install, rather than the Minimal install.

Note that the free QuickTime Player is adequate for use with DxR Clinician. It is not necessary to purchase the full QuickTime Pro package for use with our product. Pop up windows will appear from time to time, asking if you would like to upgrade to QuickTime Pro. These are merely requests and can be dismissed.

While most users have no problems either installing or using QuickTime, from time to time some problems do arise. The following should go a long way towards solving any problems you may encounter.

Note that it is better to slightly underestimate your connection speed rather than overestimate it.

Adjusting your display's screen size/monitor resolution:
A screen size/monitor resolution of at least 800X600 is necessary to view the program. To find out what your monitor is set at, and adjust it if necessary, choose the appropriate link below:
Adjusting monitor resolution in Windows
Adjusting monitor resolution in Macintosh


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Setting the Volume for Sounds and Movies

QuickTime Volume Controller

If QuickTime is installed, the sound file has downloaded, the progress bar is moving, and you still can't hear anything, you may need to adjust your volume on your QuickTime controller. In the left corner of the controller you will find the volume control. Click and slide it up to increase the volume. If your controller volume is all of the way up, you may need to increase the volume of your system.

Adjusting the System Volume

Macintosh Windows
  1. Locate the Control Strip (usually found in the lower left hand corner of your screen).
  2. If only the tab is showing, maximize it by clicking on the tab.
  3. Locate the blue speaker icon in the Control Strip.
  4. Click and hold on the speaker icon until a slider appears.
  5. Drag the slider up to the desired listening level.

If you do not have the Control Strip utility installed, you can adjust your system volume by doing the following:

  1. Locate the Apple Menu icon in the menu bar across the top of your screen.
  2. Click on the Apple Menu icon and pull down to Control Panels.
  3. Depending on your system, locate and open either the Sound control panel, or the Monitors and Sound control panel.
  4. If your system uses the Monitors and Sound control panel, click on the sound icon. Otherwise skip to step 5.
  5. Locate and select the Output item in the list on the left hand side of the window.
  6. In the top right hand box, select the appropriate sound output device. If your system does not have external speakers, select the Built-in option.
  7. In the lower right hand box, drag the slider to the right to increase the system volume to the desired level.
  8. Close the control panel.
  1. Locate the yellow speaker icon in the right hand corner of the menu bar across the bottom of your screen.
  2. Click and hold on the speaker icon until a slider bar appears above it.
  3. Drag the slider up to increase the volume to the desired listening level.

If your menu bar does not have a yellow speaker icon, you can change your systems volume settings by doing the following:

  1. Locate and click on the Start menu icon in the menu bar across the bottom of your screen. A menu should pop up.
  2. Mouse up to the Programs menu item. Once it is selected, a menu should pop out to the side.
  3. Mouse over to the Accessories menu item. Another menu should appear.
  4. Mouse over to the Entertainment menu item
  5. In the corresponding menu that appears, locate the Volume Control menu item.
  6. Adjust the Volume (not the Balance) sliders of the first two items (Volume Control and Wave) up to the desired listening level.
  7. Close the Volume Control window.

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DxR Clinician Uses Style Sheets  

This program makes extensive use of style sheets, along with page-specified fonts , which helps us control how the program looks regardless of which browser or operating system is being used. Ordinarily this is not a problem, as the default setting for web browsers is to allow this. If the pages you are looking at appear bizarre, with large blocks of white or gray space instead of tan, your browser preferences need to be reset to allow the use of style sheets and page-specified fonts.

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Logging In

If you experience any difficulty in logging in, please contact TIME@DREXEL.EDU.

When logging in, please be aware of the following:

  1. Start message. If you are entering a case for the first time, a "Start" link should appear at the bottom of your screen. Clicking this link will take you into the case. Unless you receive a "login error" message, the other information that appears with the link is for administrator use, and does not effect the performance of the program.
  2. Continue message. If you have previously logged into a case but didn't make a final diagnosis, and are logging in to the same case again, you should see a "Continue" link at the bottom of your screen. Click the "Continue" link to re-enter your case. If this is your first time entering the case and receive a "Continue" link someone may already be using your login name and password. In this event, please notify your instructor/administrator immediately.
  3. Review Results message. If you have completed your case, and entered a final diagnosis, you should see a "Review Results" link. Clicking on this link will allow you to see how you did on your case. Once you have completed a case you cannot reenter the case with the same login name and password. If you wish to redo the case, please contact your instructor/administrator about setting up a new login name and password for you.

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Using DxR Clinician: An Overview

Moving through the Program:
It is recommended, but not required, that you proceed from Interview, to Exam, to Lab, before entering your final Diagnosis and reviewing your performance in the Evaluation section.

Entering Hypotheses:
Prior to asking questions from an Interview Category other than Present Illness, and before you enter either the Exam or Lab section for the first time, you may be presented with the Hypothesis window. Enter a concise statement of the patient's major problem in the first text box. Then type a hypothesis in the second box, and click the "Add" button. You may enter multiple hypotheses, either when you first encounter the Hypothesis window, or at any time prior to selecting a final Diagnosis and proceeding to the Evaluation.

About your Diagnosis:
Important Note: When you go to enter a Diagnosis, you will be required to choose from among the hypotheses you've previously entered. Also, when you complete your entry of a Diagnosis by clicking on the "Enter Final Diagnosis" button, you will not be able to re-enter the Interview, Exam, or Lab sections, nor will you be able to change your choice of Diagnosis.

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The Interview

In the Interview section you will first be presented with a list of Present Illness questions. Click on a question to select it, then click the Ask button to get the response. To have access to the other questions, click on the link to them below Present Illness in the Categories table. The first time you do this you may be presented with the Hypothesis window. If you have not already done so, enter a hypothesis now. If you have one entered and you're happy with it, click on the Done button to proceed.

To view the questions available in other Categories, click the link in the Categories table. From here on out, you may be required to select both a question and a Hypothesis, from the window at the top of your screen. Click Ask to get the response.

To avoid having to constantly reselect the Hypothesis, you can alt+click on Ask. Note: if you alt+click on a Category it will be downloaded to your hard drive. This can be annoying, but it will not affect the program or the work you've done in it.

To exit the Interview, click on the Exam or Lab button. You may use Notes, Learning, or SOAP to record your thoughts on the subject as appropriate. You may also click on the Management button to enter an Interim Patient Management item.

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The Exam

When you enter Exam for the first time, you may be presented with the Hypothesis window. If you've already entered one, and don't want to add to that, you can click Done to proceed.

In this section, you select a Hypothesis and an examination tool, then click on the part of the body you want to examine. Use the Head, Body, Chest and Abdomen buttons to move from one view of the body to another. The list of Other Exams may also prove illuminating.

Alt+click to avoid having to reselect your hypothesis from exam to exam.

You can listen to the breath sounds by clicking on the upper or middle back in the Body view, and to the heart sounds from the Chest view. If you have trouble doing this please review the information in our QuickTime and Volume Settings help pages.

If you try to select and/or use an exam tool before the page has finished loading, you may get an error message saying something about javascript. This is especially true on older computers and in locations with slower internet connection speeds. Simply click OK or Continue to get rid of the warning box, give the page a moment to finish loading, and then continue with your work.

When you are done with the Exam, you can proceed to Lab or return to Interview as needed.

You may use Notes, Learning, or SOAP to record your thoughts on the subject as appropriate. You may also click on the Management button to enter an Interim Patient Management item.

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The Lab

The first time you enter the Lab section you may be presented with the Hypothesis window. If you have already entered one, you may click Done to proceed.

You will be presented with a table of Common Tests. You can select a Hypothesis and then click on the test to order it. You may also click on one of the more specific sets of Lab tests, such as Microbiology. This will reveal a list of tests. Select a Hypothesis and a Lab, and click Order. To find out more about the test, click Test Info. You may use the Search Feature, located in both the Common Tests table and the Lab table, to search for a test by name.

To avoid having to constantly reselect the Hypothesis, you can alt+click on Ask. Note: if you alt+click on a Category it will be downloaded to your hard drive. This can be annoying, but it will not effect the program or the work you've done in it.

To exit the Lab, click on the Exam or Lab button. You may use Notes, Learning, or SOAP to record your thoughts on the subject as appropriate. You may also click on the Management button to enter an Interim Patient Management item.

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How do you Interpret Interpret?

Many of the Labs and Exams ask you to interpret information. In the event you fail to do so, you will be asked to return to the case and provide the required interpretation(s) before you can proceed to enter a Final Diagnosis. The Interpret button is above Consult on the left side of your screen. To interpret an item after the fact, select the Item to Interpret and click the Select button.

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