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Testing ability of QuickTime to Play DxR Audio and Video Files


Can you see the video in the box below? Are you able to move the image around by clicking and dragging the mouse on the image? If so, Quicktime is installed correctly. If not, please download the latest version of Quicktime from http://www.apple.com/quicktime and install it on your computer.


In the exam sections of the cases, you can select the stethoscope tool, choose a hypothesis to test, and click on the appropriate part of the chest or back on a patient to hear their heart or breath. We have used the .mp3 file format to provide you with high-quality, quick-downloading sounds. These sounds are best played back using the QuickTime plug-in. These sounds are generally best heard with headphones.

The controller for the QuickTime plug-in looks like this:
If you see this, the browser plug-in is installed. If you see this

it means that QuickTime's ability to play embedded .mp3's has been disabled.

Here is your controller. Is it the correct one?
    • If not, click here to find out how to re-enable QuickTime's browser plug-in.
    • If you do see the correct controller, can you hear the audio? If so, then everything is OK. If not, click here for a guide to increasing the volume of the sounds.

If QuickTime's ability to play .mp3's has been disabled in Windows, the following directions will help you restore it.

    1. Locate the Start Menu icon in the menu bar across the bottom of your screen.
    2. Click on the Start Menu icon to open it.
    3. Mouse up to the Settings menu item, and open it.
    4. Click on the Control Panel menu item. A Control Panel window should appear on your screen.
    5. Locate and open the QuickTime control panel. A QuickTime Settings window should appear on your screen.
    6. Locate the MIME Settings button at the bottom of the QuickTime Settings. Click on the button to open the MIME Settings button.
    7. Scroll to the bottom of the list. You should find two entries for .mp3s.

      Both entries should have a "+" beside them. If they don't, double clicking on them should produce the "+". Once the "+" appears they are enabled.

    8. QuickTime has now been reenabled to play mp3s. Click OK to close the window. You may also close any other windows opened if desired.

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