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Your resource for teaching, learning, and assessing communication skills in interprofessional education.

Why Professional Formation?

All major medical educational accrediting and professional organizations affirm that professionalism is a core competency. Unfortunately, many medical schools, residency, physician assistant and nurse practitioner training programs struggle to deliver high quality curricula in teaching, assessing and remediating professionalism. Professional Formation offers faculty and learners the resources for effective professionalism and professional formation curricula, as well as tools for assessment, remediation and research.

What's inside Professional Formation?

Modules used in health care education and residency programs.
Modules for faculty development and remediation use.
Unscripted videos demonstrate the importance of professionalism in professional and personal growth.
Curriculum mapped to four IPEC competencies and 39 sub-competencies.

Free modules: Take a look inside

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Personal Growth and Professional Formation
Antiracism in Healthcare
Anti racism module image

What our subscribers have to say:

"As a faculty member focused on delivering and assessing professionalism and student professional development, Professional Formation modules have been an incredibly useful tool. The modules cover a broad base of interprofessional, evidence-based content in an interactive and flexible format. The quality of the content has made for smooth integration into the curriculum and strong support from the faculty and curriculum committee review. Student feedback has been very positive and, in particular, the discussion board format has been particularly engaging and stimulated significant reflection."
Tanja K Adonizio, MD, Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Assistant Professor of Medicine Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
"I presented the PF module on Social Justice this weekend and it was fantastic!! It spawned great conversations between faculty and students. The two hours just flew by...I love how the module had such a trickle-down effect and just opened up the floodgates for more and more conversation."
Jennifer Coates, DNP, MBA, ACNPC, ACNP-BC, Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Track Director Drexel University College of Nursing & Health Professions
“Quality modules that include videos, reflection questions and follow-up resources provide excellent preparation for students in class discussion and clinical experiences.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“The scenarios presented in the videos provided a starting point for the discussion related to moral distress.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“Helps me self-reflect on my own practice to perform better as a clinician and educator.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“It is a great resource to provide context and background information for various topics. It also allows for a great deal of self-reflection and assists in developing interactive group activities to process and discuss the module.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“Gives guidelines as to what a doctor should be and how to work toward that formation.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“Brings issue to conscious awareness and as divisional director, can close the loop by making surgeons more aware of the effect of the hidden curriculum on students.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“It helps me inform students about things they may encounter while on clinical rotations and resources they have available to help them.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“Establishes a standard of care; delivers an authoritative curriculum; provides teaching and learning materials; enables easier standardization of teaching across a geographically and temporally dispersed learning environment; and provides peer-reviewed materials for teaching and reference.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.
“Makes me more aware of unintended messages that students may receive from faculty behavior.”
This comment is from an anonymous survey conducted during the pilot program.