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Personal Growth and Professional Formation

All healthcare professional organizations have defined the elements of being a professional, and most of these definitions are similar. They emphasize putting the patients’ interests first, respecting patients’ autonomy and commitments to acting with integrity, excellence, caring, altruism, honesty, confidentiality and more. Yet once students graduate and enter practice or postgraduate training, they are not automatically a professional. Two important questions for learners to answer during and after their training are, “How do I become a professional? and What does becoming a professional mean?” This module helps learners answer those questions. View this module

Antiracism in Healthcare

This module aims to guide you in thinking about and executing ways to engage holistically with your patients/clients as full, authentic beings. By examining historical, social, economic and political forces that shape medicine and human health, we offer ways in which to reconceptualize healthcare through a social justice framework. This framework is based on two foundational principles of do no harm and diversity drives excellence and has helped shape and inform the orientation of this module. We welcome you to this module, so you can learn to cultivate diversity in your teams, in your patient care and in your personal life. We believe that in doing so, you will achieve excellence and more satisfying careers in healthcare! View this module