Student Technology Guide for Academic Year 2018 - 2019
(Including the Med Student Technology Requirement and other important information you'll need to set-up your devices)

Welcome from Drexel
College of Medicine
Information Technology
The Med Student Technology Requirement
Official Requirement for Class of 2022
Computer Set-Up Checklist
iPad Set-Up Checklist
About Computer Accounts
and Policies

Third and Fourth
Year Information

Includes patient logging requirement and best places to get internet access.

Help with Videos, Notes, Passwords & Browsers
Getting Computer HELP
Frequently Asked Questions


Third and Fourth Year Information
(Class of 2019 and 2020 students)

Clerkship Companion: 2018-2019 Patient and Procedure Logging and Clinical Skills Passport Requirement for MS3 and MS4 students

All 3rd and 4th year medical students at Drexel University College of Medicine are required to log all patient encounters in each of their required courses and clerkships (Family Medicine, Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Surgery, Neurology and the Internal Medicine Subinternship). In order to ensure that these logs are as accurate as possible, students are expected to record all patient encounters as soon as possible.

ClerkshipCompanion is a website application that will work in a browser or on any device including iOS (iPhones and iPads) as well as Android (phones and tablets). You will use the LOG PATIENTS section to log patient encounters as required by the clerkship, and the PASSPORT section which enables your preceptors to verify that you demonstrated required clinical skills for your clerkship. The website application will synchronize with the central database either manually (when you tap the SYNC NOW button) or automatically anytime you have an Internet connection (data charges may apply).

The new version of ClerkshipCompanion for 2018-2019 will be available during Intersession in June.

Please refer to the information as presented in the module "Using Technology in the Clinical Years" during the online Transition to Clinician: Transition to the Clinical Year (/Intersession I) course.


WebPatientEncounter is an online technology that enables students to interact with and receive feedback from live standardized patients at any place and any time. In order for WebPatientEncounter to function most effectively, you must have a high-speed Internet connection (wired or wireless), and your computer must have a webcam, microphone and headphones/earbuds.

You will be required to use WebPatientEncounter during each of your six 3rd year clerkships. It is your responsibility to ensure that your computer meets the compatibility standards, including a high-speed Internet connection and a webcam. Please notify us as soon as possible if you have any problems with the test site below.

Click here to test your computer for compatibility with WebPatientEncounter

Professional Formation Groups and Video Chat

Several times during the year you will participate in real-time videoconferences with your original small group, but when you are all at different clincial sites. All content and technical information regarding this course is available in the Blackboard Learn Professional Formation course which you wil be given access to. Check your email for information about this course and how to access it.

Connecting to the Internet at your Clinical Site
Check the link below to get information about connecting to the internet at the site you are at. Some useful tips from other students may be provided. If you have a useful tip please submit it to the TIME office at

View information about internet access at clinical sites

Epocrates Medical Reference App

A very useful tool is the free drug and medical information lookup from Epocrates available for many devices and on the web.
See the epocrates website for more information

epocrates Plus has additional features but it is not required. Epocrates may offer medical students a discount if they wish to purchase epocrates Plus. Please inquire with epocrates directly for more information.


If you have any questions about technology in your
clinical years please contact Technology in Medcical Education