Please note: all references to DocCom modules are now modules within Health Care Communication.
Patient participation - Swiss National Science Foundation (March 2022)
The Synthesis Working Paper "Patient participation" provides scientifically based recommendations for decision-makers,
designed to make the Swiss health care system more efficient. Efficiency in this context means that with the given resources
more health for all is achieved. The recommendations are mainly based on the scientific findings delivered by nine projects
of the Swiss National Science Foundation's National Research Programme "Smarter Health Care" (NRP 74). These projects represent
the part of the NRP 74 that specifically dealt various aspects of patient involvement.
Breaking bad news: A randomized controlled trial to test a novel interactive course for medical students using blended learning
- Patient Education and Counseling (May 2021)
In the moment physicians break bad news, patients come to realize that their life has just changed fundamentally and, oftentimes,
challenges what patients had expected for their future. To convey news with such a high impact upon a patient's situation represents
one of the most challenging communicative situations for physicians [1,2]. Therefore, breaking bad news (BBN) should be taught to medical
students and considered an important element of medical curricula. Accordingly, in many countries it is an integral part of formal medical exams,
and recent studies have shown that training the ability to convey bad news in a professional manner yields positive results.
Doc: My Experience With A Physician Refresher Program - Physicans News Digest (October 2016)
"I improved considerably during my preceptorship. The "DocCom" modules (of which there are over 40) provided video and text vignettes addressing
humanistic components of patient care, such as the above "difficult" conversation topics as well as teaching the value of the pause (which permits
patients time to absorb what the doctor just said), the setting of the office visit agenda upfront, the elicitation of the patient's understanding
of the pathophysiology of her/his disease / diagnosis, and the firm but supportive manner in which a patient can be told she or he has an addiction.."
Building Relationships with Patients: A Cornerstone of Patient Engagement - (July 2016)
"Research reflects that building relationships with patients through communication and patient-centeredness has a strong impact, which includes
improving patient and provider satisfaction, improving adherence to medication, and decreasing resource utilization, costs and malpractice.
The major skills in building a relationship and patient-centeredness include attentiveness and warmth, empathy, respect, support and partnership..."
The Gateway to Patient-Centered Care - (January 2016)
"With the clean and bloody bandages whipping in the wind, the passers-by recognized the establishment of the barber-surgeon, who could pull a tooth
or leach blood from the patient, as well cut hair and a hangnail. The white and red rags gave way to the iconic barber pole still in use today.
The barber-surgeons' work was, oftentimes, conducted before an audience of family and friends, as well as the curious and the apprentices. The patient
was the center of attention and care..."
Published Research
The following articles evaluated DocCom as a communication learning system.
To zoom or not to zoom - the training of communicative competencies in times of Covid 19 at Witten/Herdecke University illustrated by the example of "sharing information"
Publication: GMS Journal for Medical Education
Summary: Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, instruction at Witten/Herdecke University was changed for the 4th preclinical semester to an inverted classroom concept
combining asynchronous and synchronous teaching. The students worked at the beginning of the semester on an e-learning module of the learning platform
docCom.deutsch on the topic "sharing information" using reflection and processing tasks.
Knie K, Schwarz L, Frehle C, Schulte H, Taetz-Harrer A, Kiessling C. To zoom or not to zoom the training of communicative competencies in times of Covid 19 at Witten/Herdecke University illustrated by the example of "sharing information". GMS J Med Educ. 2020;37(7):Doc83. DOI: 10.3205/zma001376, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-zma0013767
What Skills Really Improve After a Flipped Educational Intervention to Train Medical Students and Residents to Break Bad News?
Publication: Journal of Education and Learning
Summary: The flipped educational intervention using the DocCom Module 33 and a two-hour workshop with role-play had a large effect on the
CS with regard to giving bad news and responding with empathy in both medical students and residents.
Burg, L. B., Daetwyler, C. J., de Oliveira Filho, G. R., & Del Castanhel, F. (2019). What Skills Really Improve after a Flipped Educational Intervention to Train Medical Students and Residents to Break Bad News? Journal of Education and Learning, 8(3), 35-43.
Efficacy of an Internet-Based Learning Module and Small-Group Debriefing on Trainees'; Attitudes and Communication Skills Toward Patients With
Substance Use Disorders: Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Publication: Academic Medicine
Summary: "This study examines whether an Internet-based learning module and small-group debriefing can improve medical trainees' attitudes
and communication skills toward patients with substance use disorders (SUDs). This intervention produced improved attitudes and communication
skills toward patients with SUDs among residents. Enhanced attitudes and skills may result in improved care for these patients."'_Attitudes_and_Communication_Skills_Toward_Patients_With_Substance_Use_Disorders
Lanken, P., Novack, D., Daetwyler, C., Gallop, R., Landis, J., Lapin, J., . . . Schindler, B. (n.d.). Efficacy of an Internet-Based Learning Module and Small-Group Debriefing on Trainees' Attitudes and Communication Skills Toward Patients With Substance Use Disorders: Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Academic Medicine, 90(3), 345-54. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000506
eLearning to enhance physician patient communication: A pilot test of "" and "WebEncounter" in teaching bad news delivery
Publication: Medical Teacher
Summary: "Physician-patient communication skills help determine the nature and quality of diagnostic information elicited from patients,
the quality of the physician's counseling, and the patient's adherence to treatment. In spite of their importance, surveys have demonstrated
a wide variability and deficiencies in the teaching of these skills. This study describes two specific methodologies for teaching physician-patient
communication skills developed at our institution and pilot test them for effectiveness. Results showed significant improvement in skills as components
were added, and the training program was well received."
Daetwyler, C., Cohen, D., Gracely, E., & Novack, D. (n.d.). ELearning to enhance physician patient communication: A pilot test of "" and "WebEncounter" in teaching bad news delivery. Med Teach Medical Teacher, 32(9), E381-E390. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2010.495759
Assessment of an innovative instructional program to return non-practicing physicians to the workforce
Publication: Medical Teacher
Summary: "Few formal educational programs are available in the United States to assist physicians wishing to return to medical practice
after clinical inactivity. Little published data on physicians who complete these programs exist. The Drexel Medicine Physician Reentry/Refresher
course provides a unique model for successfully returning inactive physicians to clinical practice."
Varjavand, N., Greco, M., Novack, D., & Schindler, B. (2012). Assessment of an innovative instructional program to return non-practicing physicians to the workforce. Med Teach Medical Teacher, 34, 285-291.
Investigation of Students' Attitudes about Patients with Substance Use Disorders before and after Completing an Online Curricular Module
Publication: Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education
Summary: "The purpose of this report is to describe the pilot implementation of a curriculum module designed to influence medical student
beliefs and attitudes toward patients with substance use disorders. The results of this study indicate that the one-hour, online module
can effectively influence medical student beliefs and attitudes toward patients with substance use disorders."'_Attitudes_about_Patients_with_Substance_Use_Disorders_before_and_after_Completing_an_Online_Curricular_Module
Barone, E., Huggett, K., & Lofgreen, A. (2011). Investigation of Students' Attitudes about Patients with Substance Use Disorders before and after Completing an Online Curricular Module. Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education, 17(1).
Improving residents' code status discussion skills: a randomized trial
Publication: Journal of Palliative Medicine
Summary: "Inpatient Code Status Discussions (CSDs) are commonly facilitated by resident physicians, despite inadequate training. We studied the
efficacy of a CSD communication skills training intervention for internal medicine residents. A focused, multimodality curriculum can improve
resident performance of simulated CSDs. Skill improvement lasted for at least 2 months after the intervention. Further studies are needed to assess
skill retention and to set minimum performance standards."
Szmuilowicz, E., Neely, K., Sharma, R., Cohen, E., Mcgaghie, W., & Wayne, D. (n.d.). Improving Residents' Code Status Discussion Skills: A Randomized Trial. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15(7), 768-774.
DocCom.Deutsch: 12 online modules to support training in medical communication skill
Publication: German Medical Science
Summary: "DocCom.Deutsch offers an efficient training in medical communication skills in German-speaking countries. The integration
experiences from the US suggests embedding the modules in a multi-modal learning environment."
Langewitz, W., Daetwyler, C., Karger, A., & Fischer, M. (2014). DocCom.Deutsch: 12 online modules to support training in medical communication skill. German Medical Science.
Implementation and evaluation of a web-based communication skills learning tool for training internal medicine interns in patient-doctor communication
Publication: Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global Health
Summary: "This study sought to assess four modules' effectiveness at improving internal medicine interns' communication skills knowledge. Knowledge
improved significantly with module completion. Most felt that the modules were clearly presented and met stated learning objectives, 67 percent felt that
completing the modules would improve their out-patient communication skills, and 62 per cent their inpatient skills."
Spagnoletti, C. L., Bui, T., Fischer, G. S., Gonzaga, A. M., Rubio, D. M., & Arnold, R. M. (2009). Implementation and evaluation of a web-based communication skills learning tool for training internal medicine interns in patient-doctor communication. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 2(2), 159-172.
Evaluation of a web-based curriculum resource "DocCom" by pharmacy students' self-assessment
Publication: Pharmacy Education
Summary: The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of DocCom, which can be applied to practical training for pharmacy students.
The present study shows that pharmacy students self-assessed this class as being an effective tool for obtaining knowledge about learning approaches
for communication.
Kurono, S., Hanya, M., Kamei, H., & Hasegawa, Y. (2015). Evaluation of a web-based curriculum resource "DocCom" by pharmacy students' self-assessment. Pharmacy Education, 15.