Student Technology Guide for Academic Year 2021 - 2022
(Including the Med Student Technology Requirement and other important information you'll need to set-up your devices)

Welcome from Drexel
College of Medicine
Information Technology
The Med Student Technology Requirement
Official Requirement for Class of 2025
Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, Drexel Streams
Computer Set-Up Checklist
iPad Set-Up Checklist
About Computer Accounts
and Policies
Third and Fourth
Year Information
Help with Videos, Notes, Passwords & Browsers
Getting Computer HELP
Frequently Asked Questions

Computer Set-Up Checklist

You've bought a new laptop or maybe you're using one you have that meets the requirement. In either case, go through the following items in order to have your device work safely and be able to access the course resources.

Some of these may need to be done when you are on-campus. You will need to have your Drexel UserID and password for some of the steps. If you haven't done so already, please activate your computer account. See About Computer Accounts and Policies.

1) Set or make sure that all local login accounts for your own laptop have a password.

This is a security safeguard and we recommend not having a computer login account without a password.

2) Set up your wireless connection.
Both the Philadelphia Queen Lane and West Reading campuses have these wireless networks:

"dragonfly3" is the wireless you will be connecting to. Please read about how to connect at the Drexel IRT Dragonfly webpage at

"drexelguest" is also another wireless network and this should be used for anyone who does not have a Drexel UserID to connect to. See more at

3) Have an antivirus software program running (Drexel recommends Sophos Antivirus)
It is extremely important to have anti-virus software on your computer and keep it up-to-date by configuring it to automatically check for new anti-virus files online. You may have your own anti-virus software or may have received a free trial version if you bought a new computer. If you do not have any anti-virus software Drexel IT recommends Sophos or Windows Defender. Read more about antivirus software..

4) Do computer updates regularly however iPad IOS updates are the exception
No matter what the device (Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android) there will be updates. For your devices we recommend you keep them up to date. However since your iPad will be used for exams with software called ExamSoft, we will email the class list when the update to a new IOS version has been tested and approved by ExamSoft.

5) Bookmark these 2 websites which you will use a lot. Get to know them!

  • Drexel Learn Blackboard     ( also takes you to the same place)
    All of your curriculum content is delivered through Drexel's Blackboard content management system. It is also know as Drexel Learn. Click on "Courses" in the top menu to see your courses listed under the appropriate term. However since courses are identified with Banner course names they may be hard to figure out. To make it easier we have also linked directly to all of your courses on the Webcampus Year 1 page (see below).

    Clicking on "Tech Support" at the top of Blackboard for supported browsers and links to get help with Blackboard issues.

  • Webcampus
    Many resources are linked on the Webcampus website. You will see links to all of your Year One courses AND tons of other links such as student handbook, acaedmic calendar, student affairs and career advising, student governmaent associaton, student photos, student listservs, medical humanities and other elective courses, technology support, and many many other resoruces. Philadelphia and West Reading campus-specifc resources are also listed under each medical student campus. Spend some time here getting familiar with what is available for medical students.

    You will need to allow pop-ups in order for the website to function. Make sure if you have some other 3rd party toolbar you are allowing pop-ups from "" in the pop-up blocker settings.

6) Install Microsoft Office 365 for Students
As a student you will have access to Microsoft Office 36
5 to create and edit Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel and more. In addition you wil have a vast amount of online storage space with Microsoftt OneDrive. See Drexel-IT's information page about Office 365 and how to get it.

7) Here are other useful players/software to install on your system.

  • Respondus Lockdown Browser
    This software is licensed to Drexel University and its partners only. Both PC and Mac versions are available. See instructions for installation. When you launch the application, be sure to choose Drexel Learn as the server.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader